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Member Funds

The Giving Project Network is a collaboration of social justice funds and public foundations supporting community organizing for systemic change across the U.S. and internationally. 


Social Justice Fund

GPN’s member funds participate in a peer learning community, share innovations and tools to improve the Giving Project model, and jointly own the model. 


The Giving Project model was developed at the Social Justice Fund Northwest in 2010. In 2014, a handful of funds experimented with the Giving Project model and organically formed a learning community to share lessons and innovations. The Giving Project Network was born out of this learning community. 

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Hover on the dots below to learn more about each of the funds running Giving Projects.​


Bread & Roses Community Fund believes in change, not charity. We organize donors at all levels to support community-based groups in building movements for racial equity and economic opportunity. We support movements and their leaders through fundraising, grantmaking, capacity building, and convening. 

Bread & Roses runs 3 Giving Projects per year: January-June, July-December, and September-February 



Chinook Fund supports grassroots organizations working on issues of social and economic justice; by pooling our collective resources, we seed groups making a positive, systemic impact to improve the quality of life for all Coloradoans. Chinook Fund runs 2 Giving Projects per year: January-June and September-February



Crossroads Fund supports community organizations working on issues of racial, social and economic justice in the Chicago area. Crossroads Fund leads in the philanthropic sector by supporting innovative organizing models that build strong movements for racial, social and economic justice. By creating relationships between donors, grantees, grassroots groups and community members, we strengthen leadership, build sustainable communities and transform unjust conditions, institutions and policies to create greater equality and opportunity for all. Crossroads runs 1 Giving Project per year: December - June.



Hawai‘i People’s Fund supports passionate, grassroots community groups working for social justice in Hawai‘i. These groups are often considered too small, too new, or too controversial by traditional funding organizations. We are dedicated to the most creative, passionate, and radical visions of community, bravely navigating the intersections of indigeneity, environment, race, class, labor, gender, art, technology, mental health, incarceration, food, and other crucial issues we face. HPF runs a Giving Project each year January-June.



Mission: to amplify the power of community to advance equity and justice.

Headwaters Foundation for Justice is on the leading edge of philanthropy. We were created and endure from a simple and powerful truth: the people who experience injustice are essential to ending it. Headwaters runs a Giving Project each year, typically January-July.


Portland, Maine

Maine Initiatives is a network of individuals supporting greater social, economic, and environmental justice in Maine through informed, intentional, and collective philanthropy. Maine Initiatives will launch a Giving Project in Spring 2023. Sign up for their newsletter to get updates!

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Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho

Social Justice Fund Northwest is a foundation working at the frontlines of social change. We leverage the resources of our members to foster significant, long-term social justice solutions throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. SJF runs Giving Projects in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR.


New York

North Star Fund is New York City’s community foundation working to create a more just and equitable city. By organizing donors, raising funds for grassroots activism, and distributing grants, we support efforts ranging from better schools, housing and health care, to protecting civil liberties and creating living wage jobs. North Star Fund runs a Giving Project each year, typically October-March.


I believed in organizing before the Giving Project, but now I’m even more committed to resourcing it. - GP participant, North Star Fund


Social Justice Fund


The Transforming Power Fund (TPF) is a Detroit-based social justice fund committed to transformative systems change. TPF is an attempt to put into practice the 12 Recommendations for Detroit Funders produced in 2015 by Allied Media Projects and Detroit Peoples’ Platform. Through community-led grantmaking and donor organizing,TPF aims to model a more equitable approach to traditional philanthropy. TPF will will launch a Giving Project in Spring 2023. Sign up for their newsletter to get updates!

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Contact Us

Contact us if you are interested in learning more about the Giving Project model as a potential participant, hosting organization, or funder.

©2021 by Giving Project Network

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